Πολλές αναμνήσεις θα εμφανιστούν εδώ. Μια από αυτές είναι η στιγμή που το Qora Qore 22H2 πλησίασε το LTSC Channel.
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Δεν σταματάμε ποτέ. Το νέο λογότυπο του Qora Qore είναι μόνο η αρχή αφού θα κάνουμε κι άλλες αλλαγές όσο περνάει ο χρόνος.
Just Updated
Και μπορείτε να το δείτε εδώ.
Στις 14 Φεβρουαρίου, θα είμαστε σε πρώτο πλάνο απέναντι στα νέα για το Qoroqore Story II.
ΕΛ: Το Ίδρυμα A Technologies θα καλοδεχτεί Βαλεντίνου του 2024 το νέο Qoroqore Story II από την Qoroqore Elements. Θα εμφανιστούν 180 νέα Κορτένια Pokémon, ανεβάζοντας τα στα 540. Η Μίντιουμ είναι μέσα και μέσω του Discord του Qora Qore ωστόσο αποκλειστικά στην Αγγλική γλώσσα. Componentization θα γίνεται πριν και μετά την κυκλοφορία του.
ENG: A Technologies Foundation will welcome Valentine's Day 2024 the new Qoroqore Story II from Qoroqore Elements. 180 new Qortex Pokémon will appear, increasing them to 540. Medium will be via Discord as well althought solely in English Language. Componentization will happen before and after its release.
Το Ίδρυμα της A Techno θα αναφέρει πως το PokéQore Wiki πήρε νέα εμφάνιση με καλύτερη αναγνωσημώτητα κειμένου
A Techno Foundation will inform that PokéQore Wiki gained a new appearance with better text legibility
A Techologies Foundations will show other projects via the A Techno Ecosystem, Q.Qore and Evelution Family
Starting from today, all IP edits to Greek Kanal Wiki will be blocked for now and up to the end of February. During that time, any registered user that goes to post spammy comments will receive blocks that will be much tougher than before.
This will be an IP-lockdown on Kanal Wiki that ends on February 28, 2021. Note that if those spammy comments continue through multiple account creation, it will be extended by an extra week. And if on the extended period spammy IPs continue to do such things, it will be extended by 1 week each. And if the IP still insists on spamming, unfortunately I will be forced to keep the IP editing on Kanal Wiki disabled indefinitely.
Commenting on Ντένια Σαρακίνη and Αντριάννα Παρασκευοπούλου articles will also be disabled during the lockdown as those were the target pages for those cuss comments.
The final A Techno Wiki that was upgraded to the Unified Community Platform was the PvZ Fanon WB Wiki. We would like to thank everyone who stayed in the A Techno era during the Fandom Legacy Era. We wish Fandom will catch up with MediaWiki upgrades going foward. The 2021 Xperience Pack, though available for the A Techno and Web Qore Wikis, has not been landed to other A Techno wikis and is unknown how this new A Techno era will evolve in the forthcoming months.
Μόλις έφτασε το Unified Community Platform εδώ. Δείτε την περιγραφή εδώ (Στα αγγλικά).
Παράλληλα, τρέχουμε το MW 1.33. Όσο μένει το Oasis, θα έχουμε το 2021 Xperience Pack μέσα. Όταν και αυτό φύγει, θα κάνουμε κάτι διαφορετικό άλλα παρόμοιο,
Πείτε μας τι σας αρέσει από την αναβάθμιση λογισμικού εδώ
Καλώς Ορίσατε/Welcome/Willkommen!
As Fandom will put UCP on an A Techno wiki even before I can notice it, some changes will happen on every a wiki:
2018 A Styling will be removed and will be archived here
All defined variables (Except font family) will also be wiped
No changes will happen to A Techno digital fonts or Common.css
A New Discussion post will be posted in Greek in themal wikis with that pack
Once one of our wikis transition to UCP, it will attain the 2021 Xperience Pack. As for the unified design, it is unknown how the 2021 Xperience Pack will be handled as we may adjust every style as well (Barring dropdowns, buttons and maybe headers). Providing that that the unified design will not come right after A Techno Wikis transition to UCP, nothing special will happen to the design
2021 A (A Techno Xperience Pack) will arrive soon on A Techno Wikis. As a result, new logos had to be made
The 3 thematic wikis are:
Kanal - The Wiki with channels
PokéQore - The wiki with specialization in XP Qora Qore and other Qore Media
Techno - The Wiki with specialization in Computer Technology
These are the 3 new logos:
Kanal Wiki
Techno Wiki
Το 2021 A (A Techno Xperience Pack) θα φτάσει σύντομα στα Wiki της A Techno. Ως αποτέλεσμα, νέα λογότυπα έπρεπε να φτιαχτούν
Τα 3 θεματικά Wiki είναι:
Kanal - Το Wiki με τα κανάλια
PokéQore - Το Wiki με έμφαση στο Κορα Κορε XP και άλλα μέσα του Κορε
Techno - Το Wiki με έμφαση στην τεχνολογία υπολογιστή
Αυτά είναι τα 3 νέα λογότυπα:
Kanal Wiki
Techno Wiki
Καλώς Ορίσατε/Welcome/Willkommen!
Some changes will start to happen as the Unified Community Platform will launch in a few months in the whole FANDOM network. Now, we will be testing a Global Nav and Global Footer in Web Qore Wikia. This will make the last changes before the 2021 A will be finalized. Once a Wiki powered by a gains a UCP migration banner, 2018 A gets wiped out (Apart from variables) from that wiki and once the wiki gets the UCP update, it will be ready to have 2021 A installed for users who want to load it.
Καλώς Ορίσατε/Welcome/Willkommen!
Some changes will start to happen as the Unified Community Platform will launch in a few months in the whole FANDOM network. The Colors.CSS compact will be removed and we will be setting the Header Color back to its colors it would actually be! This will also enchance Discussions on those wikis. No special theming will be edited. The central wikis will also receive Logo changes and on the A Techno Wiki, the background also changes The next part will retire all sitewide CSS barring the variables. Note that once an A-powered wiki goes to UCP, it will also receive the new 2021 A that has been under test on the Web Qore Wiki.
This is the place to talk about your favorite topic, to share news, theories, ideas, and to connect with others. The content from your Forum has been converted to Discussions posts, so nothing has been lost.
To learn more about what you can do here, check out community.wikia.com/wiki/Help:Discussions
If you're an admin on this community, read more about how you can customize your Discussions and set up guidelines for contributors: community.wikia.com/wiki/Help:Admin_and_Moderator_Tools_in_Discussions
Have fun!
Από τις 31 Ιουλίος, η Καθολική συζήτηση της A θα έρθει στην Discord. Να μείνετε ενωμένοι!!!!!
From 31st of July, A's Global Conversation will come to discord. Stay tuned!!!!!
Hello, we offer now up HM500. Should HM600 be off?? Why???
Stance in greek now to show your opinion: Here is the link of translating your stance reason to greek.
Για να μαρκάρετε την σύνοψή σας, να βάζετε τα {{Stance}} ή {{Stance(2-5)} σε κάθε συζήτηση.
Please Also provide a reason why you stance or you'll get a Αποβολή
If yes, then account will be disabled of HM600, making HM100 work across wikias
Βαθμοί: 2.75/2 (Μπράβο!!!)
Έχουμε μεγάλο πρόβλημα τώρα. Πολλοί λογαριασμοί με ανιούσα ονόματα έχουν ξεκινήσει να δημιουργούνται εδώ (Δείτε και το Μητρώο λογαριασμών για περιπατώ λεπτομέρειες) και δεν είναι ωραίο. Από το Candy Crush Wiki που έκαναν δημιουργία κάνουν δημιουργία εδώ; Πρέπει κάτι να γίνει με αυτό. Τι λύση προτείνετε για αυτό; Δώσε την άποψή σου αμέσως.
Για να μαρκάρετε την σύνοψή σας, να βάζετε τα {{Stance}} ή {{Stance(2-5)} σε κάθε συζήτηση
Hi!!! Due to some issues with users edits not getting promoted, I want AT LEAST one user who did 3000> edits to explain why he got not promoted or promoted and then demoted for any reason. Begging counts here as a reason. Anything that it is clear is acceptable. Have Fun. Give also the reason to which ranks you promoted and which you want to get promoted.
Hello!!! It's me. Due to many users begging for ranks in Candy Crush Saga Wiki like Mossy Mos, should we apply this one here? Because we need to check the users for mature before we promote them. Socks will not apply as count. 10 points for win.
2/10 pts.
Για να μαρκάρετε την σύνοψή σας, να βάζετε τα {{Stance}} ή {{Stance(2-5)} σε κάθε συζήτηση